@misc{Dudra_Stefan_Orthodox, author={Dudra, Stefan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Orthodoxy in Spain was connected with the influx of the mid-nineteenth century, migrants, main-ly from Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Russia and areas of the Middle East. The bases for settling in Spain were both political and economic conditions.}, abstract={Because of the diversity of territorial migrants, the hierarchy, clergy and faithful carry out pastoral activity in various church jurisdictions, under the care of their home churches. Because of ecclesiastical, political and prestigious reasons, none of the national Orthodox Churches does not want to relinquish their influence on their own diaspora. The Differentiation of jurisdiction, except the existing elements of cooperation, influences on weakening the position of the Orthodox Church in its relations with the state.}, title={Orthodox Church jurisdictions in contemporary Spain = Prawosławne jurysdykcje kościelne we współczesnej Hiszpanii}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Orthodoxy, diaspora, migration, ecclesiastical jurisdictions, prawosławie, migracja, jurysdykcje kościelne}, }