@misc{Chodubski_Andrzej_Immigrants, author={Chodubski, Andrzej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The study indicates that contemporary migration movements of the population in Europe are typical of the cultural and civilizational development of the world. eir main cause involves the problem of meeting needs, especially in terms of money and living. The institutions of the European Union, which stress the guarantee of the rights of a human and a citizen, attach significant importance to them.}, abstract={The location of immigrants is different in various European countries. The experience of the past plays an important role in this respect (migration tradition of states and nations). In terms of the recognition of the principle of the EU that European unity is formed by its cultural diversity, migrants (immigrants and emigrants) are subject to the general processes of cultural and civilizational transformation.}, title={Immigrants and the space of national minorities in contemporary Europe = Imigranci a przestrzeń mniejszości narodowych we współczesnej Europie}, type={artykuł}, keywords={migration, European space, national minorities, European Union, cultural and civilizational transformation, migracja, przestrzeń europejska, mniejszości narodowe, Unia Europejska, przemiany kulturowo-cywilizacyjne}, }