@misc{Hawrysz_Magdalena_Wartości, author={Hawrysz, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is devoted to the characteristics of lexis associated with transcendent values that appear in the 16th-century monastic rule of the Poor Clares and its functions in the text. Thirty one words were extracted from the text. Such a small number (about 2.7% of the lexicon) is justified in the pragmatic perspective of a text whose primary purpose is to regulate the external life of the nuns which ensures uninterrupted service to God.}, abstract={The analyzes allowed, on the one hand, to reconstruct - to a limited extent - the Clarian spirituality, and on the other, revealed the linguistic (secondarily ? actual) sacralization of some phenomena which becomes the persuasive mechanism establishing the right attitudes and a way of thinking in a monastic community.}, title={Wartości transcendentne we wspólnocie zakonnej w świetle XVI-wiecznej reguły klarysek = Transcendent values in a religious community in the light of the 16th-century monastic rule of the Poor Clares}, type={artykuł}, keywords={polszczyzna, aksjolingwistyka, język wartości, reguła zakonna, wartości transcendentne, 16 w., Polish language, axiolinguistics, language of values, religious rule, transcendental values, 16th century}, }