@misc{Loewe_Iwona_Dyskurs, author={Loewe, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={151 titles of Polish programmes for children and youth aired on Polish television since it was founded in 1956 have been subject to analysis and text interpretation. Using the stylistic and pragmatic analysis as well as the method of linguistic picture of the world the author outlines the dominant strategies used by the sender. The text contains reflections on the state of research on the child as the recipient of media messages and on the programme titles as metatextual elements.}, abstract={The study author concludes that clear types of programme titles can be observed among the material. The first type is the nominative title - using the name or names of the characters. In this group you can notice a subtype having the addition of a hiperonymic expression to the name and to the attribute of the character.}, abstract={The second type is the descriptive title, which specified the time when to view the program or expressed the belonging of the programme to the television. In this group there is a strong subtype naming and valorising the child as the beneficiary of the programme. The third type is the metatextual title that appeared in the last thirty years.}, title={Dyskurs telewizyjny. Tytuły polskiej telewizji dziewcząt i chłopców = The television discourse. Headlines of polish television for girls and boys}, type={artykuł}, keywords={tytuły, telewizja, metatekst, nominacja, deskryptywność, headlines, television, metatext, nomination, description}, }