@misc{Ruszkowski_Marek_Czy, author={Ruszkowski, Marek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={As it may seem, verbs denoting giving birth to offspring by various animal species have a fixed semantic connectivity, meaning that a specific verbs is uninterruptedly connected with a specific species: "a mare foals" [in Polish: źrebi się], "a bitch whelps" [in Polish: szczeni się], "a sow farrows" [in Polish: prosi się]. However, according to dictionary definitions, also a jenny ass, a zebra etc. "foals", she-wolf, vixen, female badger whelps and female wild boar "farrows". Similarly, it is not only a cow that "calves" [in Polish: cieli się], and it is not only a female cat that "kittens" [in Polish: kocić się]. That is why, this article attempts at clarifying the semantic scope of the verbs "to calve" [in Polish: cielić się] and "to kitten" [in Polish: kocić się].}, abstract={The verb "to calve" applies to (according to some dictionaries); 1. a cow and some wild animals; 2. a cow and some other ungulates; 3. a cow and some other herbivores; 4. a cow and a doe only. The noun "a calf" is also defined as "the offspring of a cow (and a doe, roe deer and other ruminants)". Definitions are not precise, as they only refer to wild animals, ungulates, herbivores and ruminants.}, abstract={Examples include such animals as a cow, an elk (a doe), a deer (a doe), roe deer and an European bison. All of them are herbivore ungulate mammals that live at our latitude. In turn, the semantic scope of the verb "to kitten" is even more underspecified, as it refers to females of a number of animals, including a she cat, a doe-hare, a sheep, a female rabbit, to females of a number of anima a female nutria and a female rat.}, abstract={The problem approached here does not only concern a relatively small group of farm animals and wild game that live in Poland, but also exotic animals. It seems that the semantic scope of the two verbs under analysis should be limited to mammals only, and as it comes to a roe deer, variants "a roe deer calves"// "a roe deer kittens" should be allowed.}, title={Czy sarna się cieli czy koci? Rozważania semantyczne = Does a roe deer calve [in polish: cieli się] or kitten [in polish: koci się]? Semantic considerations}, type={artykuł}, keywords={czasowniki nazywające wydawanie potomstwa, semantyka, verbs denoting giving birth to offspring, semantics}, }