@misc{Termińska_Kamilla_Passivum., author={Termińska, Kamilla}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The preliminary hypotheses of the article are the following: the assumption con- cerning semantization of morphological categories and the thesis that the semantics in ques- tion consists of hardened fossils of ontological theories. Examining the meanings inherently present in the Polish passive voice, but foreign to Semitic languages like classical Hebrew, we encounter - unauthorized in the light of the existing analyses - the myth of anthropocentrism.}, title={Passivum. przeciw antropomorfizmowi = The passive voice. Against Anthropomorphism}, type={artykuł}, keywords={relatywizm kulturowy, orientalizm, bierno-refleksywne koniugacje hebrajszczyzny biblijnej, semantyka polskiej strony biernej, mit antropocentryzmu, cultural relativism, orientalism, passive-reflexive conjugations of Biblical Hebrew, semantics of the Polish passive voice, myth of anthropocentrism}, }