@misc{Uździcka_Marzanna_Wokół, author={Uździcka, Marzanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The content of the article is an attempt to apply Professor Stanisław Borawski`s thesis on the genre predestination of lexis to use in specific linguistic behaviors which he documented in a book "Słownictwo potoczne listów Zygmunta Miłkowskiego do Juliana Łukaszewskiego [1867-1895]" (Common Vocabulary of Zygmunt Miłkowski`s Letters to Julian Lukaszewski [1867-1895]). The thesis is used in the perspective of general vocabulary`s function to formulate scientific judgments based on the analysis of six manuscript lectures by Władysław Majewski from 1848-1850.}, abstract={The first part of the article discusses the research procedures used for this purpose, which are subject to statistical methodology. The direct reference area was frequent lexis divided into lexical and functional parts of speech. The second part of the article contains a description of the general lexis of manuscripts examined in quantitative terms. The reference system was the compilation of Miłkowski`s letters vocabulary specially prepared to such comparisons by S. Borawski.}, title={Wokół zagadnienia "gatunkowej predestynacji leksyki" = On the issue of "genre predestination of lexis"}, type={artykuł}, keywords={predestynacja leksyki, metoda statystyczna, leksyka ogólna, leksyka częsta, wykład, predestination of lexis, statistical method, general lexis, common lexis, lecture}, }