@misc{Szymańska_Monika_"Piękny", author={Szymańska, Monika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper is an attempt at the reconstruction of language image of beauty. The corpus-based analysis was used. It was based on material from National Corpus of the Polish Language in the form of collocations based on expressions "beautiful", "beautifully" and "beauty", which are language exponents of the analyzed notion.}, abstract={Analysis of those collocations and their contexts makes it possible to establish what other notions beauty binds with in the strongest manner in awareness of language users. The study`s fundamental goal was to distinguish the profiles of the notion of beauty and to define the relation between "beauty" as an artistic value with other evaluative categories.}, title={"Piękny" - "pięknie" - "piękno". Eksplikacja znaczeń i profili pojęcia piękna na podstawie wyników analizy korpusowej = "Piękny" - "pięknie" - "piękno". The explication of meanigs and profiles of the notion of beauty. Corpus-based analysis}, type={artykuł}, keywords={profilowanie, analiza korpusowa, kolokacja, profiling, corpus-based analysis, collocation}, }