@misc{Kładoczny_Piotr_Estetyczne, author={Kładoczny, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article concerns Internet users` opinions on the performances of the participants of the 17th Chopin Competition in 2015. The material comes from two sources: the Audio.com. pl online forum and the profile on Facebook. All the statements are neutral in terms of the aesthetics of expression, they do not contain elements of hate or profanity, but they are not built as stylized or artistic.}, abstract={Some senders use specialized vocabulary, others sometimes construct emotional statements. Assessment of aesthetic based on aesthetic opposition pretty-ugly, and the overall opposition quantifiable good-bad. In addition, the senders value the technique of performing of works and compare performances to known patterns from recordings. They also use metaphorical and synesthetic imagery associated with other senses (sight, touch, proprioception) and other types of arts (singing, poetry).}, abstract={Opinions also concern the behaviour of young artists, their emotions and associations with religious and mystical experiences. Internet users are also expressed in the statements of emotions. To do this, apply the measures pragmatic (exclamations, declarations, emoticons) and syntax (syntactic ranks, short sentences, inversion, rhetorical questions).}, title={Estetyczne wywody użytkowników Internetu na temat interpretacji muzycznych podczas Konkursu Chopinowskiego w 2015 roku = The aestheticcomments of Internet users on the interpretationsduring the Chopin Competition in 2015}, type={artykuł}, keywords={17 Konkurs Chopinowski, estetyka, metafora, internet, język , synestezja, 17th Chopin Competition, aestetics, language, metaphor, synesthesia}, }