@misc{Raszewska-Żurek_Beata_Dawność, author={Raszewska-Żurek, Beata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is devoted to one of the means of expressing positive evaluation of the concepts in the early Polish language. It has to do with the assigning of the property of antiquity to the names of the moral and social values. This process takes place in three ways.}, abstract={The first one has to do with the furnishing of the lexeme which represents a value with the adjectives: starodawny, starożytny, starowieczny, staroświecki, staropolski and dawny, e.g. staropolska cnota, starożytna zacność. The second one has to do with making reference to the authority of the ancestors which reinforces the positive implications of a value. The third way of indicating a value is to adduce the "golden age" which has been a part of culture since the ancient times.}, abstract={In Polish culture, it is associated with happiness and simplicity. In the Middle Polish period, the majority of the values to which one assigned the property of antiquity were commonly held in high estimation, therefore this property did not determine the perception of a concept as a value or otherwise. However, owing to this property, values became solemnised, and even mythologised, which served the propagation of the said values.}, title={Dawność jako jeden z wyznaczników wartości pojęć etycznych i społecznych w czasach średniopolskich = Antiquity as one of the determinants of the values of ethical and social concepts in the Middle Polish period}, type={artykuł}, keywords={historia polszczyzny, aksjolingwistyka, wartościowanie w języku, history of the Polish language, axiolinguistics, evaluation in language}, }