@misc{Pałucka-Czerniak_Iwona_Sposoby, author={Pałucka-Czerniak, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is devoted to the implementation of scientific discourse in the text from the first half of the 19th century, in the scientific sub-discipline of the history of law. The analysed text is perceived as a communication event, occurring in the human community, conditioned by a specific social and cultural context.}, abstract={The research goal was to observe the peculiarities of scientific discourse, proper for the history of law, at the early development stage of this scientific discipline, based on Michał Bobrzyński`s work from 1874. As the narrative strategy of a particular writer is related to the literary tradition of a specific linguistic and ideological community, it is possible to assume that in the community of Polish scholars - historians of the law of the second half of the nineteenth century - direct, unambiguous formulation of judgments about the state of research and displaying the subjectivity of both the author of the text and his predecessors, was a peculiar discursive strategy.}, abstract={It testified both to the autor`s erudition as well as to the depth of his scientific reflection. The presence of these to the author`s erudition as well as to the depth of his scientific reflection. The presence of these language approaches brings the genre of this type closer to a review or manifesto. Due to such a narrative, the sender tries to control the behaviour of recipients who, adopting the autor`s concept, should undertake appropriate work on the proposed scientific area in accordance with the given guidelines.}, abstract={Metaphorical imagery is supposed to stimulate the imagination and encourage proper interpretation of the judgments, in accordance with the author`s intention. The publication as a discursive whole becomes a sign for other scholars, informing abort new research trends and re-evaluating existing methodological concepts. It also announces a change in the discursive model of narrative in the field of legal history, in accordance with philosophical assumptions and epoch research practice.}, title={Sposoby wyrażania opinii o przedmiocie i stanie badań w opracowaniu naukowym z dziedziny prawa autorstwa Michała Bobrzyńskiego (XIX w.) = Methods of expressing opinions on the subject and state of research in a scientific study in the field of law authored by Michał Bobrzyński (XIX century)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={język , narracja, dyskurs naukowy, historia prawa, language, narrative, scientific discourse, history of law}, }