@misc{Kotlarska_Irmina_Znajomość, author={Kotlarska, Irmina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The study presents the ways of conceptualizing English and its knowledge in selected materials for learning this language from the years 1788-1947.}, abstract={The presented ways of perceiving the purposefulness of learning English bring the following profiles of English: a tool for gaining scientific knowledge and political gains (18th/early 19th century), a communication tool for improving the material situation in emigration conditions (19th century), English as an object school teaching useful in the education of a new generation of citizens serving an independent homeland (beginning of the 20th century), a way of understanding with political allies (period of World War II), English as a world language (from the 1930s). In addition to functional properties, the simplicity of English as a system, enabling efficient and quick mastering of this language (subject to articulation problems) was also emphasized.}, abstract={Language ways of creating the image of the English language and culture (various forms of axiological content) lead to the statement that educational materials were used to shape values and attitudes. This allows us to treat them as a source of knowledge about the way of thinking of our compatriots in the past.}, title={Znajomość języka angielskiego jako wartość w świetle wybranych materiałów do nauki tego języka z lat 1788-1947 - przyczynek do badań nad dyskursem edukacyjnym = Knowledge of English as a value in the light of selected materials for learning this language from 1788-1947 - a contribution to research on educational discourse}, type={artykuł}, keywords={teksty do nauki języka angielskiego, konceptualizacja, dyskurs edukacyjny, aksjologizacja treści, texts for learning English, conceptualization, educational discourse, evaluation of content, 18-20 w.}, }