@misc{Iżykowska_Małgorzata_Dziewiętnastowieczne, author={Iżykowska, Małgorzata and Starczewska-Wojnar, Aleksandra}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article proves, that under the circumstances of a foreign nationality in Silesia in 19th century, the Polish courtroom protocol was formed as a distinct type of a legal text. It was based on German model, which was required by the official administration. It included fundamental linguistic determinants of a protocol. The basis for this thesis comes from numerous Polish protocols, preserved in village courts protocol books from Strzelce County, currently stored in Polish National Archive in Opole.}, abstract={The bare existence of such a type of legal text and the fact that it functioned in Silesia at the time of German domination and increasing germanisation pressure for seventy years, indicates a wider than previously assumed scope for usage of Polish language at that time.}, title={Dziewiętnastowieczne górnośląskie protokoły sądu rozjemczego jako podstawa badań językowych = Upper Siliesian village courtroom protocol in 19th century as a distinct type of legal text}, type={artykuł}, keywords={genologia lingwistyczna, gatunek mowy, Śląsk, protokół sądowy, 19 w., linguistic genology, speach genre, Silesia, courtroom protocol, 19th century}, }