@misc{Piela_Agnieszka_O, author={Piela, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The basic purpose of the article is to present the semantic history of the noun "domator" and its past synonyms in the history of the Polish language. It turns out that our linguistic ancestors understood this noun in a different manner that the modern Polish people.}, abstract={The lexical sources which comprise the historical lexical layer document numerous synonymous equivalents of the word "domator", which are not a part of the modern Polish language. For the sake of example one may provide the eponymous derivatives: "domak", "gniazdosz", "zapiecnik". The purpose of the present article is not only to describe the names but also to discuss the reasons for the decline of the said names.}, title={O "domaku", "gniazdoszu", "zapiecniku"? Zapomniane synonimy leksemu domator w polszczyźnie = "Domak", "gniazdosz", "zapiecnik"? The obsolete synonyms of the lexeme domator in the Polish language}, type={artykuł}, keywords={diachronia, synchronia, leksyka, semantyka, słowotwórstwo, synonim, diachronic linguistics, synchronic linguistics, lexis, semantics, word formation, synonyms}, }