@misc{Kotlarska_Irmina_To,, author={Kotlarska, Irmina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article aims to discuss the proper names used in the materials for learning English from 1941?1946 for the Poles living in war emigration and the functions that this resource performs. The study is not a comprehensive approach to the issue but rather an attempt to indicate the interpretative possibilities brought primarily by observing the context of "nomina propria" usage in publications documenting teaching English in a war situation.}, abstract={The analyses prove that proper names are a means of shaping sociocultural and grammatical competencies and a carrier of propaganda content. They also present an idealized image of Polish?Allied relations, strengthening the strength of the Polish?Allied alliance, and remind the soldiers of the heroic and steadfast homeland for which they should fight despite physical remoteness.}, title={To, co dalekie, i to, co bliskie - nazwy własne i ich funkcje w materiałach do nauki języka angielskiego dla polskich emigrantów wojennych z czasów drugiej wojny światowej = What is distant and what is close - proper names and their functions in English learning materials for Polish war emigrants from the Second World War}, type={artykuł}, keywords={onimy, podręcznik glottodydaktyczny, dyskurs glottodydaktyczny, język angielski - nauczanie, proper names, language teaching book, language teaching discourse, English language}, }