@misc{Pacuła_Jarosław_"Blisko, author={Pacuła, Jarosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The author of the text describes the historical vocabulary that represents the concept of "home". He analyzes the secondary meanings of the lexeme "home", which is a component of expressions such as "dom starców" (old people?s home), "dom publiczny" (brothel), "dom dziecka" (orphanage), "dom kultury" (community centre).}, abstract={The material basis are the names of various institutions - service, commercial, social, medical etc. These terms are also the names of the buildings in which the institutions are based. Within the observation there are expressions with a different degree of connectivity - existing constructions and reproducible collocations.}, abstract={Dozens of designations are extracted from historical and contemporary dictionaries of general Polish, phraseological dictionaries of the Polish language, old bi? and trilingual lexicons and the National Corps of the Polish Language.}, title={"Blisko domu". Z historii określeń typu dom dziecka, dom wariatów, dom starców = "Near the house/the home". From the history of designations such as dom dziecka (orphanage), dom wariatów (madhouse), dom starców (old people`s home)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={frazeologia, semantyka, historia języka, zmiany znaczeń, "dom" jako instytucja społeczna lub usługowa, phraseology, semantics, diachronic linguistics, change of meanings, "home" as a social or service institution}, }