@misc{Szczyszek_Michał_Dyskurs, author={Szczyszek, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The work in the team gathered at IPI PAN, which has been ongoing for over ten months, has resulted in the creation of a working (and still further developed) "Corpus of parliamentary discourse". The "Corpus?" was created on the basis of parliamentary transcripts from the years 1918?2021 and already now contains nearly 700 million segments. On this basis, preliminary analytical work on the language of the Polish parliamentarism of the twentieth century is already being conducted.}, abstract={One of the first issues is the preliminary lexicographical and lexico?logical analysis of the assembled "Corpus?". In order to show the extent of the "Corpus?" and its chronological complexity, lexical and semantic analysis will be subjected, for example, to wyekscerpowane leksemy: "sejm" (sejm), "senat" (senate), "parlament" (parliament).}, abstract={The analysis of the use of these words in the Polish parliamentary discourse showed that they are words with a high frequency in this discourse, and also - their meanings are subject to "specific pressures of parliamentarism" and slightly differ from the meanings assigned to these lexemes in Polish lexicography, implementing only one of them.}, abstract={Moreover, it turns out that the parliamentary or senate communicative community is poorly created, which is visible only in the Sejm as the most important organ of (legislative) power in the eyes of parliamentarians.}, title={Dyskurs parlamentarny jako przykład wspólnoty komunikatywnej? Obraz parlamentu oczami parlamentarzystów na tle przemian kulturowych (na podstawie "Korpusu dyskursu parlamentarnego" z lat 1918?2021) = Parliamentary discourse as an example of a communicative community? The image of parliament through the eyes of parliamentarians against the backdrop of cultural changes (based on the "Corpus of parliamentary discourse" (CPD) from 1918?2021)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={semantyka, leksykografia, leksem, frekwencja leksykalna, Korpusomat, semantics, lexicography, words, lexical frequency}, }