@misc{Brylla_Wolfgang_J._Powieść, author={Brylla, Wolfgang J.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The Militia crime novel, which was a dominant subgenre of the novel in the years of the Polish People`s Republic (1952-1990), has recently been revived mainly due to Ryszard Ćwirlej`s work. Nevertheless, in the period mentioned those novels were not much appreciated by critics.`}, abstract={After the political transformation, Militia crime stories, in which a brave Militia officer fights against the (capitalist) Evil, faded into oblivion for good. Reviving Militia crime stories, Ćwirlej on the one hand employs old schemata, on the other hand, he remodels them in a comic-ironic way, reinterpreting the genre to some extent. In the work of Ćwirlej, the image of the Polish People`s Republic, dominated by Militia and crimedriven, is not so much nostalgic as derisive.}, title={Powieść milicyjna - reaktywacja = Militia crime stories: a revival}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={powieść milicyjna, powieść kryminalna, literatura polska - 21 w.}, }