@misc{Kaczmar_Anna_Obraz, author={Kaczmar, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The interest in criminal activity for several years is almost written in a different forms of activity in the framework of massculture. Emphasize on details causes that most of younger viewers stop responding on the gruesome images. What is more they even get used to the view of blood, severed limbs and another gory details. Their sensitivity decreases, and they get interested after the emergence of even more cruel murder. Also popular literature, especially crime story, is full of violence, including the detailed representations of the crime.}, abstract={Both Polish and foreign authors shall indicate in their novels the exact descriptions of the state of decomposition of the corpse and wounds of the victim. Many of them is inventing spectacular ways of killing through the use of sophisticated tortures and the mutilation of corps. Permanently emphasize of gruesome details and the prevalence of the crime causes that viewers and readers need new incentives to gather their interest.}, abstract={The reason of this specific return of the presenting crime scenes that have been really committed, not invented by writers. You can even say that the expansion of the novels which are inspired by actual events and the return of report as the literary genre that describes reality and is directed towards individual person.}, abstract={This novels are the response to the model of American publications devoted to serial killers and paradocumental series showing crimes in which police officers and specialists in psychology and forensic medicine are trying to succeed the action of the offender. The main aim of this work is to compare the ways of description of the crime in the literary reportage and to indicate their affinity with 19th forms of reportage which was based on legal acts.}, title={Obraz zbrodni we współczesnych wybranych reportażach literackich = The image of the crime in chosen modern literary reportage}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={reportaż polski, literatura kryminalna, paradokument}, }