@misc{Guan_Shanglei_Feedback-aided, author={Guan, Shanglei and Zhuang, Zhihe and Tao, Hongfeng and Stojanovic, Vladimir and Paszke, Wojciech (1975- )}, howpublished={online}, language={eng}, abstract={In this paper, a feedback-aided PD-type iterative learning control (ILC) design is proposed for the time-varying systems with non-uniform trial lengths to achieve asymptotic tracking of the desired trajectory. To alleviate the problem of missing information caused by non-uniform trial lengths, signals from most recently available iterations can be used for system learning by introducing an indicato function to construct recursively generated update error and input sequences.}, abstract={The main results are obtained by utilizing the combination of [lambda]-norm technique and inductive analysis approach, and the design is extended to nonlinear time-varying systems. At last, the effectiveness of the proposed feedback-aided ILC design for linear and nonlinear time-varying systems is demonstrated by a numerical simulation and a single-joint robot model.}, title={Feedback-aided PD-type iterative learning control for time-varying systems with non-uniform trial lengths}, type={artykuł}, keywords={iterative learning control, non-uniform trial lengths, feedback-aided, time-varyingsystem}, }