@misc{Koszewska_Anna_Koncepcja, author={Koszewska, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The philosophy of the human person that was presented by cardinal Karol Wojtyla in his dissertation "Acting Person" (orig. "soba i czyn", 1969) not only is one of the most weighty conceptions of the twentieth century?s philosophical output, but it also constitutes a philosophical-anthropological foundation for the rest of the autor`s papers, remaining a fundamental idea permeating all his works.}, abstract={The central idea of the dynamic synthesis of the human person and her act - because an acting person forms herself through human activity that is conscious and intentional - can be found in many of Wojtyla`s papers and treatises concerning ethics, in his literary works, and also - with reference to the dogmas of the catholic faith - in subsequent teaching by pope Jean Paul II.}, abstract={However, what can appear to be surprising is the fact that the author of "The Quarry", "Roman Triptych" and "Letter to Artists" left the question of the special human activity, that is artistic creation, outside the main narration of "Acting Person". Yet, the essence of art can only be properly elucidated when the thesis included in Karol Wojtyla`s dissertation according to which the human person develops in and through actions, the thesis that deepens the understanding of the human person, is assumed as the basis for reflections.}, abstract={Therefore, the aim of the present essay is to reveal the connection between the comprehension of the meaning of artistic creation and the anthropological conception by Karol Wojtyla, the connection that is profound but not clearly expressed.}, title={Koncepcja antropologiczna zawarta w rozprawie "Osoba i czyn" Karola Wojtyły jako podstawa refleksji o twórczości artystycznej = Anthropological conception enclosed in "Acting Person", a dissertation by Karol Wojtyla, as a ground for reflections on artistic creativity}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Jan Paweł II, papież (1929-2005), antropologia filozoficzna, filozofia człowieka, człowiek, działania ludzi}, }