@misc{Filipczak_Iwona_"I, author={Filipczak, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper focuses on the performance of cultural identities in Bharati Mukherjee`s "Jasmine" (1989), "Orbiting" (1988) and "Desirable Daughters" (2002). The paper argues that Mukherjee for the most part dismisses the notions of contingency and is inclined to the presentation of a voluntarist model of identity. Intentionality, choice and conscious transformation are perceived here as means for identity formation.}, abstract={The theories of performance provide a useful framework for the discussion; they help to accentuate the "restored behavior" (Schechner) of Mukherjee`s characters. Discussing identity as a performance points also to the agency of the subject, who in the process of changing is also transforming the surrounding reality.}, title={"I changed because I wanted to" - identity performance in Bharati Mukherjee?s selected works}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={South Asian American fiction, Mukherjee, Bharati (1940-2017), performance, agency, voluntarist model of identity}, }