@misc{Seul_Anastazja_(1961-_)_Autobiografia, author={Seul, Anastazja (1961- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Anastazja Seul in the article called "An alphabetical autobiography. A reflection on <> by Bożena Chrząstowska and Joanna Ciechanowskiej-Barnuś" ponders on the autobiography of mother and daughter. The author presents this book written by Polish language teachers to highlight its axiological order.}, abstract={Amongst chapter written according to the alphabet: from ?A? ("A like autobiography") to ?Z? ("Z like zwierzęta" - animals) the researcher unearths values that are essential in life of both ladies such as a community of the family or friends, work, honesty, responsibility, being rooted in Polish culture, openness, as well as joy that can be found through nature and vital force.}, abstract={These values show the need for harmonious growth of a human person. The very requirement of such a growth are particular decisions that respect axiological steps of Max Scheler, namely that lower values are submitted to those that are higher.}, title={Autobiografia według alfabetu. Refleksja o "Dwugłosie z życia wziętym" Bożeny Chrząstowskiej i Joanny Ciechanowskiej-Barnuś = An alphabetical autobiography. A reflection on "Dwugłos z życia wzięty" by Bożena Chrząstowska and Joanna Ciechanowska-Barnuś}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Chrząstowska, Bożena (1929-), autobiografia, porządek aksjologiczny Maxa Schelera, wartości hedonistyczne, wartości witalne, wartości duchowe, wartości sakralne, autobiography, axiological order of Max Scheler, voluptuary values, vital force, spiritual values, sacral values}, }