@misc{Heck_Dorota_Radiacja, author={Heck, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Autobiographical works by Zofia Kossak-Szczucka (Szatkowska) (1899-1968) is characterised in the background of the modern identity narrations by "radiation", radiation of autobiographism, i.e. an autobiography extended by a history of the family, including autobiographical motifs in various generic forms of fictitious prose. What stands out is also the creation of webs of autobiographical and memory narrations by memoirs of ancestors, descendants, relatives and in-laws of the writer.}, abstract={It happens that novels by Kossak-Szczucka include motifs or scenes which resemble life experiences of the author. In her memoirs she uses autodiegetic narration (a term coined by Philippe Lejeune). Autobiographical forms in the strictly "literary", publicist and epistolary works by Z. Szatkowska, radiating to other genres, however, they are at times full of dramaticism and constitute a record of extreme experiences (bordering situations, weighing of human fate between life and death), they also allow a timeless reflection; they deal with the so called interpretive narrator.}, title={Radiacja autobiografizmu w twórczości Zofii Kossak = Radiation of autobiographism in the works of Zofia Kossak}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={autobiografizm, autobiografia, biografia, wspomnienia, doświadczenie, autobiographism, autobiography, biography, memoirs, experience}, }