@misc{Partacz_Czesław_(1952-_)_Łacińskie, author={Partacz, Czesław (1952- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The Polish state was established over a thousand years ago on the foundation of the Christian culture of the Roman Empire and is currently the last bastion of Christianity in a modern secularised Europe. An important role in the development of historic Catholic Poland was played by the "Kresy", or Eastern borderlands, which were formed following the Union of Lublin in 1569.}, abstract={The significance of the "Kresy" increased as a result of the enormous influence of outstanding hetmans, or military commanders, and kings of Poland, as well as the great political, cultural, scientific and economic figures who came from these lands. The crucial significance of the "Kresy" developed by its elite, in the broad sense of this term, was a result of the activities of the nobility, meaning the noble nation of that time.}, abstract={Following several centuries of growth, the culture of the nobility, both high and low, spread throughout the modern Polish nation during the 20th century. Inseparable from the greatness of the "Kresy" is the Polish Catholic Church, persecuted for centuries by the Byzantine-Turanian state of Muscovy, the Russian and Bolshevik empires, as well as Ukrainian nationalism, Prussian-German imperialism and all shades of freemasonry.}, title={Łacińskie podstawy kultury europejskiej a cywilizacja chrześcijańska Polski i jej Kresów Wschodnich = The Latin foundations of European culture and the Christian civilisation of Poland and its eastern borderlands}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Poland`s eastern borderlands, Kresy, Christianity, high culture, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Union of Lublin, Soviet and Ukrainian persecution of Polishness, outstanding figures from the "Kresy", Kresy Wschodnie, Kultura wysocka, chrześcijaństwo, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów, Unia Lubelska, prześladowania}, }