@misc{Kopocińśki_Zbigniew_Postawa, author={Kopocińśki, Zbigniew and Kopociński, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={During the interwar period, Ukrainians were a national minority inhabiting the south-eastern provinces of Poland. The Ukrainian chauvinists from the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists who hated Poland were of great influence there.}, abstract={The aggression of the Third Reich against Poland in 1939 caused the intensification of anti-Polish tendencies among the Ukrainian minority, which ultimately resulted in the genocide of the Polish population in the Eastern Borderlands. The article presents fragments of memories of Polish doctors who during World War II stayed in Lviv and were eyewitnesses of many dramatic events.}, title={Postawa Ukraińców wobec agresji III Rzeszy na Polskę i okupacji we wspomnieniach polskich lekarzy = Attitude of Ukrainians towards the aggression of the Third Reich against Poland and the occupation in the memories of Polish physicians}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Eastern Borderlands, Lvov, genocide, Volyn, Ukrainian nationalism, Kresy Wschodnie, ludobójstwo, Lwów, Wołyń, nacjonalizm ukraiński}, }