@misc{Mykietów_Bogusław_Dziś,, author={Mykietów, Bogusław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The decision to establish the Kresy Muzeum in Lublin, and not in the west of the country, sparked a discussion among Lubusz Voivodeship enthusiasts of the topic. They blame institutions appointed to reasearch and popularise history for ignoring the origins of the present inhabitants of Lubusz Voivodeship, half of whom are descentants of the Kresy (more than in any other voivodeship).}, abstract={This negligence led to placing the Kresy Muzeum far away from the place inhabited by so many displaced people from the Kresy. Local museums and colleges treat the past of the half of the Lubusz inhabitants marginally, mainly dealing with the German history of the place. In the consecutive papers and monographs of the towns and villages the history of the present inhabitants only begins in 1945.}, abstract={We will not learn from them where half of the local community comes from, what traditions their families brought with them or what their centuries-old past looked like. Hence the autor`s idea to set up a digital archive of the Kresy. This community based collection, containing scans of several thousand documents, photogaphs and papers shows the past of the Kresy descendants, saving from oblivion both ordinary (but not necessarily average) people and forgotten Kresy heroes, often persecuted during the communist period.}, title={Dziś, gdy na Ziemi Lubuskiej dyskryminuje się naszą kresową przeszłość, warto o naszych przodkach mówić, pisać i przypominać. Unikatowe fotografie i dokumenty ze zbiorów lubuskich kresowian w cyfrowym portalu archiwumkresowe.pl = Today, when the memory of the former polish eastern Borderlands (Kresy) is neglected, it is worth speaking and writing about our ancestors. Unique photographs and documents from the collections of people displaced from the Kresy and their descendants are now available online at archiwumkresowe.pl}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Polish, Eastern Borderlands, descendants, museum, archive, Lubusz Voivodeship, ancestors, Kresy, Polska, muzeum, archiwum, województwo lubuskie, przodkowie}, }