@misc{Krawczyk-Stańdo_Dorota_Regularization, author={Krawczyk-Stańdo, Dorota and Rudnicki, Marek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={To obtain smooth solutions to ill-posed problems, the standard Tikhonov regularization method is most often used. For the practical choice of the regularization parameter ? we can then employ the well-known L-curve criterion, based on the L-curve which is a plot of the norm of the regularized solution versus the norm of the corresponding residual for all valid regularization parameters. This paper proposes a new criterion for choosing the regularization parameter ?, based on the so-called U-curve. A comparison of the two methods made on numerical examples is additionally included.}, title={Regularization parameter selection in discrete ill-posed problems - The use of the U-curve}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ill-posed problems, Tikhonov regularization, regularization parameter, L-curve, U-curve}, }