@misc{Cielecki_Łukasz_Real-valued, author={Cielecki, Łukasz and Unold, Olgierd}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={Learning Classifier Systems (LCSs) have gained increasing interest in the genetic and evolutionary computation literature. Many real-world problems are not conveniently expressed using the ternary representation typically used by LCSs and for such problems an interval-based representation is preferable. A new model of LCSs is introduced to classify realvalued data. The approach applies the continous-valued context-free grammar-based system GCS. In order to handle data effectively, the terminal rules were replaced by the so-called environment probing rules. The rGCS model was tested on the checkerboard problem.}, title={Real-valued GCS classifier system}, type={artykuł}, keywords={earning classifier systems, GCS, GAs, grammatical inference, context-free grammar}, }