@misc{Nikel_Łukasz_Dziecko, author={Nikel, Łukasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The monograph provides an overview of specific issues related to child shyness and is divided into seven chapters. The first three chapters delve into the complex nature of a child's shyness, exploring various definitions of shyness, essential characteristics of a shy child, symptoms of shyness, different types of shyness, significant correlates of shyness, as well as the role that culture and the child`s gender play in shaping shyness.}, abstract={The fourth chapter explains the role of the family in the development of a child's shyness and highlights that shyness may manifest differently depending on the child's age. The fifth chapter focuses on the challenges a shy child faces in the school context, including school-related difficulties, language skills, academic achievements, as well as their relationships with peers and teachers.}, abstract={The sixth and seventh chapters explore the relationship between a child`s shyness and selected psychosocial variables crucial for a child`s development, such as self-efficacy, aspirations, motivation, assertiveness, cognitive abilities, as well as personality and temperament traits.}, abstract={The summary of this publication contains the most significant findings related to a shy child. The depiction of a shy child presented in this book highlights their key characteristics and offers explanations for any difficulties that may arise for them. It`s important to note that a child`s shyness has both negative and positive aspects. A comprehensive understanding of shyness and its impact on a child is vital for their overall development.}, title={Dziecko nieśmiałe}, type={książka}, keywords={dziecko nieśmiałe, nieśmiałość, uwarunkowania nieśmiałości, typy nieśmiałości, rozwój nieśmiałości, korelaty nieśmiałości, nieśmiali uczniowie, psychologia, child`s shyness, determinants of shyness, types of shyness, development of shyness, correlates of shyness, shy students}, }