@misc{Kowalczuk_Zdzisław_Suboptimal, author={Kowalczuk, Zdzisław and Oliński, Krzysztof E.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper presents a concept of designing fault tolerant control systems with the use of suboptimal methods. We assume that a given (nonlinear) dynamical process is described in a state space. The method consists in searching (at the off-line stage) for a trajectory of operational points of the system state space. The sought trajectory can be constrained by certain conditions, which can express faults or failures already detected.}, abstract={Within this approach, we are able to use the autonomous dynamics of the process in order to minimize a control cost index (a sub-optimality property). The search itself is based on finding a cheapest path in a graph structure, which represents the system?s dynamics described in the state space. Such a cheapest path (if it exists) represents the sought trajectory. Another (on-line) design stage consists in tracking this trajectory by an executive controller.}, title={Suboptimal fault tolerant control design with the use of discrete optimization}, type={artykuł}, keywords={optimal control, fault tolerant systems, nonlinear models, operations research, discrete optimization}, }