@misc{Smoczek_Jarosław_Evolutionary, author={Smoczek, Jarosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={A hybrid method combining an evolutionary search strategy, interval mathematics and pole assignment-based closed-loop control synthesis is proposed to design a robust TSK fuzzy controller. The design objective is to minimize the number of linear controllers associated with rule conclusions and tune the triangular-shaped membership function parameters of a fuzzy controller to satisfy stability and desired dynamic performances in the presence of system parameter variation.}, abstract={The robust performance objective function is derived based on an interval Diophantine equation. Thus, the objective of a fuzzy logic-based control scheme is to place all the closed-loop control system characteristic polynomial coefficients within desired intervals. The reproduction process in the proposed Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) is based on the arithmetical crossover, uniform and non-uniform mutation along with gene deletion/insertion mutation ensuring a diversity of genomes sizes, as well as a diversity in the parameter space of membership functions.}, abstract={The proposed algorithm was implemented to design a fuzzy logic-based anti-sway crane control system taking into consideration the rope length and the mass of a payload variation. The results of experiments conducted using the EA for different conditions assumed for system parameter intervals and desired closed-loop system performances are compared with results achieved using the iterative procedure which is also described in the paper.}, title={Evolutionary optimization of interval mathematics-based design of a TSK fuzzy controller for anti-sway crane control}, type={artykuł}, keywords={interval mathematics, pole placement method, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy logic, TSK controller, anti-sway crane control}, }