@misc{Dylewska_Agnieszka_Grünberger, author={Dylewska, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the first half of the 20th century, book calendars were widespread among all social groups. Thanks to their universality and fulfilment of the functions of both an informational and literary almanac and a classic calendar, they found their use as various types of guides, became a source of entertainment and knowledge, and, thanks to their easy availability and mass distribution, they had an impact on cultural and social consciousness.}, abstract={"Grünberger Hauskalender", which was published between 1910 and 1940, the was like a form of a mirror of socio-cultural life for the territorially and culturally defined areas in Lower Silesia, which were the districts of Zielona Góra (Kreis Grünberg) and Kożuchów (Kreis Freystadt). At the same time, it served as a literary and informational medium and, as a so-called "homeland calendar", affirmed the "Heimat" - the small homeland, giving it the status of a distinctive feature of the local community.}, abstract={This book attempts to answer the question to what extent the "Grünberger Hauskalender", as a literary organ, was able to reflect the identity of the area in which it was established and show the panorama of the culture of the German-speaking inhabitants of the Zielona Góra - Kożuchów region. And vice versa: the book explores what was the influence of the cultural area on the character of the literature created within it, how was the picture of the Zielona Góra-Kożuchów microprovince outlined, what regional motifs and topoi appeared in the literary texts published in the calendar.}, title={Grünberger Hauskalender}, type={książka}, type={monografia}, keywords={kalendarz książkowy, Dolny Śląsk, literatura regionalna, literatura trywialna, Zielona Góra, Kożuchów (woj. lubuskie), mikroprowincja, book calendar, Lower Silesia, regional literature, trivial literature, microprovince}, }