@misc{Kułyk_Piotr_Różne, author={Kułyk, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The book addresses the problem of differentiation occurring in interventionism in agriculture and its multi-faceted conditions. The use of various forms of interventionism, both in developed and developing countries, leads to determining its paths and effects in individual countries and groups of countries. The challenge is not the issue of applying state intervention in agriculture itself, but the answer to the question: what should be the scale and under what conditions these activities can be used?}, abstract={There is still no golden mean in shaping the path of agricultural development and its inclusion in inter-sectoral relations on economic growth, not to mention the recipe for shaping the path to sustainable development. Interestingly, although agriculture has played a dominant role in almost all traditional economies, most developing countries have neglected agriculture as a key sector for sustainable development. The interconnected challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation, and social deprivation require transformative interventions and adaptation to new environmental conditions.}, abstract={An attempt was made to explain the factors underlying these changes in agricultural policy and, above all, their multidimensional consequences. The existence of transfers may have counterintuitive effects on specific dimensions of sustainable development, both for production and the natural environment in terms of intergenerational balance. The multifunctional view of agriculture used in the work allowed us to go beyond the issues of productivity and market competitiveness towards starting a debate on sustainable development strategies, in which we can rethink the place and role of agriculture.}, abstract={The work analyzed solutions in the field of financial support of agriculture in 26 countries and two groups (EU and BRICS) in the years 2000-2020. On this basis, models of applied interventionism and the effects of adjustments taking place in agriculture as a consequence of the instruments used in agricultural policy were presented, contributing to obtaining a more detailed picture of the entire process of interference in the development of agriculture.}, title={Różne oblicza interwencjonizmu w rolnictwie na drodze do zrównoważonego rozwoju}, type={książka}, type={monografia}, keywords={interwencjonizm, zrównoważony rozwój, ekonomia rolna, ekonomia środowiska, finansowe wsparcie rolnictwa, interventionism, sustainable development, agricultural economics, environmental economics, financial support of agriculture}, }