@misc{Pławiak-Mowna_Anna_Inżynieria, author={Pławiak-Mowna, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The book describes experiments on realisation of team-based student projects in relation to their form, organisation and execution with partners from the IT field. Additionally, elements concering teamwork in affiliation with some parts of the process of creating software are present. It discusses the process of aquiring teamwork skills, based on long-term expertise and experiments.}, abstract={Out of methodics present in the student target workspace, the team selected those which support the refinment of teamwork skills in the process of creating software. These elements function in an environment where assets available to the students in the academic environment are supplemented by assets of partners from the IT industry. This disseration is an aid to these managing team-based student projects executed with partners from the IT industry.}, abstract={The book presents a collection of experiments and mechanisms supporting the realisation of team-based projects - a result of long-term experience of realising team-based student projects together with local as well as global partners from the IT industry. The book concerns selected issues in the field of: software engineering, project implementation methodologies and the organization and implementation of classes conducted with the participation of external stakeholders.}, title={Inżynieria oprogramowania w projektach grupowych}, type={książka}, type={monografia}, keywords={projekt grupowy, studenckie zespoły, kształcenie metodą projektów, projekt informatyczny, group project, student group work, project-based learning, IT project}, }