@misc{Czeremski_Maciej_Bohaterowie, author={Czeremski, Maciej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={Mythical heroes always cross the borders of what we think as the everyday condition of the real human being. The object of this research is the explanation of this phenomena by referring to some of the definitions from the cognitivist religious studies and particularly to the idea of contrintuitiveness crucial for this attempt. According to the assumed perspective, the mythical deformation of the concept of human being does not have the accidental character and is limited solely to the infringement of the intuitive expectation connected with ontological categories.}, abstract={If these kinds of infringements have moderate character and appear in the form of the destabilisation of the given image, or are presented in the form of proportional relations of contrintuitive representation to intuitive one, then, the narrations that embrace them are remembered better than the narrations composed exclusively of intuitive images. This is the explanation of the consolidation of such a form as a myth. The destabilisation of the intuitive expectations concerns particularly the mythical hero, but results from higher degree of the essentiality of the contrintuitive agents? images over the contrintuitive images of other types.}, abstract={The research objective of this article was to present the theories of contrintuitiveness adapted to cognitive religious studies and the genesis of this conception. In the next part of the article the structure of the contrintuitive images was presented, together with the examples of these kinds of images. Further the relations between contrintuitiveness and supernaturality were discussed.}, abstract={The author tried also to deal with the empirical verification of the theoretical assumptions, particularly these ones which explain the structure of the mythical narration. In the end of the article we are provided with the analyses concerning the evolution of the contrintuitive mythical hero, who, together with the rationalisation of this traditional narrative form, can be transformed into more intuitive variants.}, title={Bohaterowie optymalnie niemożliwi. Geneza, struktura i funkcje mitycznej kontrintuicyjności = Optimally impossible heroes. Genesis, structure and functions of the mythical contrintuitiveness}, type={artykuł}, keywords={mit, kognitywistyka, religioznawstwo kognitywne, kontrintuicyjność, intencjonalny agens, myth, cognitive science, cognitive study of religion, contrintuitiveness, intentional agent}, }