@misc{Friedreich_Sonke_Refugees, author={Friedreich, Sonke and Spieker, Ira}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={eng}, abstract={As a consequence of the Second World War unleashed by Germany, millions of people were forced to stream into the areas that subsequently became the two successor states of the German Reich. The acceptance and integration of the refugees and displaced persons presented the society and the political leadership of the GDR (German Democratic Republic) with an enormous challenge.}, abstract={This article will analyze the contradictory processes of the refugees` arrival that was marked by diverse conflicts, not only at the political level, but also in everyday practice. As the official files of the years up to 1952 show - and the testimony of eyewitnesses` accounts confirm - it was, in particular, the conflicts over such issues as scarce resources (livable housing, furniture, work materials, etc.), attempts to return to the home territories, as well as the state`s intervention (land reform, collectivization) that were the decisive factors in the transformation of rural society.}, abstract={Furthermore, the theme of the"?resettlers" was made officially taboo in the GDR which only rendered the new start under socialist auspices, as well as the public dealings with the neighboring states of Poland and Czechoslovakia, even more difficult.}, abstract={This article comes out of the research project "Strangers - Homeland - Saxony. Expellees as New Farmers. State Integration Measures and Individual Adaption Strategies" ("Fremde - Heimat - Sachsen. Vertriebene als Neubauern. Staatliche Integrationsmasnahmen und individuelle Adaptionsstrategien") lead by the Institut fur Sachsische Geschichte und Volkskunde (Institute for Saxon History and Cultural Anthropology).}, abstract={Within this project, the collections of several state archives as well as community archives have been analyzed. Furthermore, sixty interviews with contemporary witnesses were conducted and carefully assessed.}, title={Refugees and expellees in rural Saxony: life after 1945 = Uchodźcy i wypędzeni na terenach wiejskich Saksonii po roku 1945}, type={artykuł}, keywords={migracja, napływ i wydalenie, pogranicze, społeczności wiejskie, transformacja spoleczna, transformacja polityczna, II (druga) wojna światowa, migration, flight and expulsion, borderland, rural societies, political transformation, social transformation, world war II}, }