@misc{Nyćkowiak_Justyna_International, author={Nyćkowiak, Justyna and Dubrow, Joshua Kjerulf and Kołodziej, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={eng}, abstract={Across the social sciences and across nations, working in teams has become the normal course of conducting scientific research. Scientific teams are research situations in which individuals bring their expertise to the problem at hand. Multi-disciplinary scientific collaboration across institutions and countries has become the norm of doing science, and thus is a fundamental building-block of the education of graduate students and young scholars in Poland and abroad. The empirical example of international scientific collaboration in this article is the Electoral Control in Eastern Europe project.}, abstract={This international project, funded by Poland`s National Science Centre, assembled a research team composed of established scholars, young social scientists, and graduate students from across Europe, the USA, and from various institutions and disciplines, including sociology, political science, and area studies. From the perspective of the project administrators, young scholars, and graduate students of this project, we discuss the administration of this project in terms of its scientific aims and the experiences of its members. All elements of the project - workshops, informal discussions, data collection, and publications - contribute to the scientific development of young scholars.}, abstract={Especially from the perspective of a doctoral student, the opportunity to work with experienced researchers from different countries is a very important complement to the curriculum. Such collaboration allows for the creativity and productivity that produces innovations and breakthroughs. Moreover, the experience gained in this project plants the seeds for future international research projects to be conducted by young Polish scholars. For the good of the international scientific community, and of scientific knowledge produced in Poland, scientists - from graduate students to established scholars, and across nations - must learn how best to work together.}, type={artykuł}, title={International scientific collaboration in the electoral control in Eastern Europe project = Międzynarodowa współpraca naukowa w ramach projektu Electoral control in Eastern Europe}, keywords={EAST-PaC, kariery polityczne, biografie polityczne, political biographies, political careers}, }