@misc{Bazuń_Dorota_The, author={Bazuń, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={eng}, abstract={The article presented possible ways of engaging social scientists as agents of revival. Their expert knowledge may be used in the process of preparing the diagnosis in conducting social consultations, evaluating the revival projects and also in interventions aimed at local social changes. A new approach to revival in Poland (described in the first part of the text) underlines that the revival should be of participative character. The same expectations are formulated in a new formal requirements in the 2015 Act on revival. The Act defines methods which can be used as a source of information to know the needs of inhabitants and to plan changes in public spaces. A concise description of research methods and techniques used in diagnosing, consulting and evaluating was presented in the second part of the article. The paper delineated the ways of modifying and adapting these methods to be used on different stages of revival.}, abstract={Revival projects can benefit from creative ways of working. Ideas may be generated by means of: brainstorming, preparing individual or group drawings, mock-ups andor collages. Two methods were especially pointed out in the text as useful in case of revival. First one is STEEPVL analysis, related to the group interview. The second one is mapping as a method more and more frequently used during consultations. It consists in using maps (paper ones or more often on-line versions) to mark information and suggestions on places. The text was focused on the increasing scope of actions a social scientist may conduct participating in the revival, due to new social needs and formal requirements.}, title={The participation of social scientists in revival diagnoses and consultations = Uczestnictwo badaczy społecznych w diagnozowaniu i konsultacjach dotyczących rewitalizacji}, type={artykuł}, keywords={urban renewal, urban regeneration/revitalization, urban revival, STEEPVL, geo-consultations, mapping, odnowa miasta, rewitalizacja miasta, ożywienie miasta, geokonsultacje, mapowanie}, }