@misc{Łukasik_Joanna_M._Aktywność, author={Łukasik, Joanna M. and Solecki, Roman}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={This article addresses the issue of relations between contemporary adolescents (deeply rooted in the cyber world) and their parents. The aim of the study was to explore and describe relations between adolescents and their parents viewed through the prism of the motives of undertaking online activity. The main research question was: What are the relations between adolescents active on the Internet and their parents? In the study, the authors used the questionnaire method.}, abstract={The research encompassed 706 persons, 339 men and 367 women, including: 480 pupils from lower secondary schools (23 classes) and 226 from secondary schools (10 classes). The research showed that even though the relations with mothers and fathers should be described as constructive, mother-child relations turned out to be better than fatherchild relations. It is the mother who most frequently supports a child in difficult moments. She is chosen as a conversation partner more frequently than a girlfriend/boyfriend or friends. The mother has the biggest influence on the child`s style of dress. The role of the father is marginal in this area.}, abstract={On the basis of the research, it is possible to state that the more supportive the relations with the mother are, the lesser the child?s online activity is. Such activity serves as an ?escape? from problems and from unpleasant emotional conditions. Additionally, if the mother plays the role of a friend in a young man?s life (knowing their friends), provides positive feedback (also in the form of expressed emotions), the child`s activity in cyberspace is of a "social" nature (mostly staying in touch with friends).}, abstract={Finally, guidelines for teachers? pedagogical work with parents at school were formulated, with the aim of preparing parents for building and maintaining relations with children as an effective tool of preventing Internet addiction.}, title={Aktywność młodzieży w Internecie a relacje z rodzicami. Wskazania dla nauczycieli do pedagogizacji rodziców = Adolescents` activity on the Internet and their relations with parents. Guidelines for teachers responsible for pedagogization of parents}, type={artykuł}, keywords={relacje rodzic-młodzież, motywy aktywności internetowej, profilaktyka, parent-adolescent relations, motives of Internet activity, prevention}, }