@misc{Smaszcz-Kurzajewska_Paulina_Życie, author={Smaszcz-Kurzajewska, Paulina and Grabowska, Izabela}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={The article discusses life trajectories of women over fourty (40-49 years old) in the socioeconomic context of a former voievodship town in Poland, i.e. Radom, including two biographical processes: (1) transition to adulthood, when the researched were twenty and over twenty years old, were starting a family and undertaking their first jobs; and (2) transition to maturity, i.e. to the second half of their life, when they had already raised their children and evaluated their relationships, could continue education, enter new fields of education, or start up their own businesses.}, abstract={The analysis is based on the histories of 40 women from Radom, with different socio-demographic profiles. The data were gathered in two rounds of individual intake interviews, components of asynchronous interview. In asynchronous interviews, the interviewer brings up the issues which, due to their sensitive character and the interviewees` emotions, were not covered or developed in the first round. The asynchronous exchange of questions and answers between the researcher and the researched person may continue until the project ends.}, abstract={Asynchronous approach is a new research method in sociology, enabling a dynamic approach to research processes. In this article, the asynchronous research technique helped juxtapose two biographical moments in the life of women from a former voievodship town: entering adulthood and entering maturity.}, title={Życie jako projekt 20 lat później. Kobiety 40+ z byłego miasta wojewódzkiego = Life as a project 20 years later. Women 40+ from a former voievodship town}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wchodzenie w dorosłość, wchodzenie w dojrzałość, struktura, podmiotowe sprawstwo i refleksyjność, kontekst społeczno-gospodarczy byłego miasta wojewódzkiego, entering adulthood, entering maturity, structure, subjective commitment and reflexivity, socio-economic context in a former voievodship town}, }