@misc{Żukiewicz_Arkadiusz_Społeczny, author={Żukiewicz, Arkadiusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={This article results from the reflection over the social ethos of scientists in the context of the domination of the quantitative perspective on the framing of science. The presented positions concerning the roles assigned to the luminaries of science represent the classical approaches in Polish science. They are mutually complementary, both in the institutional (Prof. K. Twardowski) and social (Prof. F. Znaniecki) contexts. They are also related to the universal message contained in the doctoral vows taken by scientists during the doctoral promotion ceremony, i.e. at the beginning of their academic careers.}, abstract={The intention to combine classical approaches to the roles and the resulting ethos of scientists with the current problems recorded in the Polish science environment aims to encourage self-reflection over the scientific status of the scientist`s "I". Adequate tools constructed individually for self-analysis can serve this purpose. The indicated analysis may also improve the academic dialogue about the situation of science and about solutions that will facilitate its present and future development.}, abstract={The considerations are conducted from the perspective of humanities and social sciences. They are based on recalling the classical in Polish science positions defining the ethos of scientists and their social roles. It is so because, according to the adopted approach, they form the position of the modern scientist both in the academic environment and in the so-called outside environment.}, title={Społeczny ethos uczonych a procesy "zurzędniczania" nauki = The social ethos of scientists and the processes of science becoming beurocratic}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ethos uczonych, dostojeństwo uniwersytetu, role uczonych, nauki społeczne, nauki humanistyczne, pedagogika społeczna, ethos of scientists, majesty of university, roles of scientists, humanities sciences, social sciences, social pedagogy}, }