@misc{Żywczok_Alicja_Współczesny, author={Żywczok, Alicja}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={The disparity between the classic model of pursuing science and explanatory rationality inspired the author to analyze the sources of researchers` concern about preserving an appropriate level of science culture. The author questions the selected directions of development (vs. involution) of modern universities, exposing their apparent modernity (e.g. parametric reporting and categorization) that lead to an instrumental treatment of researchers, research and teaching employees, as well as of science itself (understood as a discipline of culture).}, abstract={Also, the author reveals the expected influence of technocratic domination on preserving the concept of university and on the optimal functioning of the institution. Unfavorable views, beliefs, attitudes and models, so common among today.s university communities, lead the author to evaluate the current formal-administrative tendencies that often limit intellectual freedom and transgression.}, abstract={The author claims that the pressure to apply economic criteria for assessing culture-generating processes is often considered as the victimization of researchers, and evokes justified ethical resistance, especially among humanists. Mental disorientation and dissatisfaction of the employees and students, related partly to the difficulties in meeting irrational standards, testify to the university ethos being undermined.}, abstract={For the purpose of this parametrization study, the author used a hermeneutic interpretation of the source texts and the methodological achievements of analytic philosophy, i.e. reconstructive and critical analysis and argumentation. These methods make it possible to examine the legitimacy of statements before they are accepted or sanctioned.}, title={Współczesny uniwersytet - w pułapce racjonalności eksplikatywnej = Modern university - in the trap of explanatory rationality}, type={artykuł}, keywords={uniwersytet, nauka, rozum eksplikatywny, rozum implikatywny, parametryzacja, university, science, explicative mind, implicative mind, parametrization}, }