@misc{Nowicka_Agnieszka_Education, author={Nowicka, Agnieszka and Kopinec, Pavol}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={eng}, abstract={The increase in the number of advanced age people makes it necessary to pay more attention to the speci?c needs of the oldest generation, among which educational needs also play a signi?cant role. Education in late adulthood is a predictor of successful aging, a factor constituting the quality of life, as well as the best prevention and gerontological rehabilitation. Its general goal is to include older people in the education system including lifelong learning, understood as a multidimensional process that gives meaning to life against the backdrop of civilization, social and cultural changes.}, abstract={It also helps in understanding life in a changing reality and in adapting to changes. Educational experiences of older people have developed on the basis of educational programs for adults, which over the years have been systematically modi?ed and adapted according to the needs of recipients.}, abstract={The open educational system and the tendency to create integration facilities for seniors (especially Senior Clubs and Universities of the Third Age) are a token that civilized societies care for a good psychophysical condition and high quality of life of the oldest generation. The purpose of this article is to present the history of the creation and functioning of the Universities of the Third Age in Poland and the Slovak Republic, as well as the bene?ts that education brings to the lives of elder people.}, title={Education of elderly people on the example of students of the third age universities in Poland and Slovakia = Edukacja osób starszych na przykładzie studentów uniwersytetów trzeciego wieku w Polsce i Słowacji}, type={artykuł}, keywords={educational needs of elder people, University of the Third Age, educational programs for adults, potrzeby edukacyjne osób starszych, Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku, programy edukacyjne dla dorosłych}, }