@misc{Wyleżałek_Joanna_Polityka, author={Wyleżałek, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={This article aims to present the relationship between global politics, which re?ects di?erent visions of the world order, and the actions of local politicians and activists, which can bring about social change. The author of the article explores the sources of growing social divisions and points to contemporary politics, which is increasingly turning into "undemocratic liberalism" (which is likely to be a tool for a uni?ed vision of the world) and "illiberal democracy" (which is becoming an unsuccessful antidote to the backstage mechanisms of global politics), ?tting ideologically into activities aimed at strengthening national economies.}, abstract={The functional problem of this division is its completely dichotomous, irreconcilable character. Since it is impossible to achieve a uni?ed vision of the world and to preserve strong nation states at the same time, the political strategies of those who support di?erent concepts of the world order are increasingly dividing the society. Growing cultural wars and axiological disputes are both a tool and a result of this division.}, title={Polityka globalna jako czynnik lokalnych aktywności i zmian społecznych = Global politics as a factor influencing local activity and social change}, type={artykuł}, keywords={porządek światowy, polityka globalna, gracze ekonomiczni, wojny kulturowe, aktywności lokalne, zmiana społeczna, world order, global politics, economic actors, cultural wars, local activities, social change}, }