@misc{Tanajyan_Lusine_Social, author={Tanajyan, Lusine}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of social mobility among Armenians in diaspora communities, which was accomplished by conducting a comparative analysis of the Armenian communities in Los Angeles, Tehran and Beirut. To achieve the aim, the following objectives were set: to identify and compare the socio-professional structures of the three communities; to show the dynamics of inter-and intra-generational social mobility of Armenians in three di?erent ethno-social environments.}, abstract={The study was conducted through 3 methods: standardized interview with community members, non-participant observation, in-depth interviews with representatives of community organizations. The features of the host country in?uence the dynamics of social mobility. The di?erent parts of the same ethnic group in the Armenian Diaspora occupy di?erent social statuses and professional strata, depending on the country of origin or host country.}, title={Social mobility trends in the Armenian diaspora: ethnosociological study of Armenians in Los Angeles, Tehran and Beirut = Trendy mobilności społecznej w diasporze ormiańskiej: badanie etnosocjologiczne Ormian z Los Angeles, Teheranu oraz Bejrutu}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Armenian Diaspora, social mobility, ethno-social environment, diaspora ormiańska, mobilność społeczna, środowisko etnospołeczne}, }