@misc{Rácz_Andrea_Realities, author={Rácz, Andrea}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={eng}, abstract={We have limited information about the relationship between the quality of the social and child protection system and the chances of social mobility, on how the social system can contribute to improving the well-being of the clients, and on how the system limits it with exclusionary procedures in Hungary.}, abstract={The aim of the article is to examine how the children, young people and parents themselves see the interventions targeting the wellbeing, protection of children, the way how professionals get involved in the helping process. Taking a critical approach to analyse the mechanisms of the system?s functioning and the forms of solidarity manifested in child protection, I also overview the unreal elements in the reality of child protection, which on a systemic level harden social exclusion. The study indicates the new directions in the renewal of the child protection system, aiming at the increase of the quality of life and opportunities of social mobility of the clients, in the spirit of welfare pluralism.}, title={Realities and unrealities in the hungarian child protection system from the perspective of social mobility = Realia i nierówności w węgierskim systemie ochrony dzieci z punktu widzenia mobilności społecznej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={social mobility, child protection, quality of life, future developments, welfare pluralism, mobilność społeczna, ochrona dzieci, jakość życia, perspektywy rozwoju, pluralizm opieki społecznej}, }