@misc{Loboda_Svitlana_Problem, author={Loboda, Svitlana and Plyska, Yuriy}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The article considers the axiological principles of the application of information and communication technologies in the transition to a new educational paradigm. It has been theoretically acknowledged that information and communication technologies today are a necessary leading component of the educational process, which, as a result, forms not only the educational space as a whole, but, importantly, the personality of the future specialist.}, abstract={The ?ndings reveal that information and communication technologies in modern scienti?c discourse are understood, inter alia, as a communicative educational environment and a means of professional interaction that allows to expand the professional communication space. They provide people with new opportunities to comprehend, evaluate and perceive the world.}, abstract={The authors specify and describe the content component of the functional ?eld of media content materials in relation to the educational tasks of the process of developing a creatively active personality of a teacher. It is proved that a high level of e?ciency in the use of information and communication technologies may be ensured through the balanced introduction of axiological principles of media content selection in the process of professional training of future educators.}, title={Problem determinacji aksjologicznej stosowania technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w warunkach przejścia do nowego paradygmatu edukacyjnego = Problem of the axiological principles of application of information and communication technologies in the transition to a new educational paradigm}, type={artykuł}, keywords={aksjologia, technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne, treści medialne, osobowość nauczyciela, values, axiology, information and communication technologies, media content, personality of the future educator}, }