@misc{Novikova_Kateryna_Indywidualizacja, author={Novikova, Kateryna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={Rapid technological development and globalization not only increase the unpredictability of the global economy, but also raise questions about the future of work. The article presents selected themes concerning the global discourse on the future of work in the context of collective measures and individualised strategies. The emphasis and recommendations are strongly focused on developing individual skills, entrepreneurship and creativity, which are considered to be unique qualities of the human being.}, abstract={The author compares these aspects with selected strategies for dealing with job insecurity and market volatility. Two trends were identi?ed in the qualitative study. The ethnographic study of the community of freelance translators, who represent the creative sector, showed their signi?cant commitment to individual development of professional and business skills and competences. Also, the translators demonstrated a solidarity-based approach, expressed in virtual support, altruistic sharing of knowledge and care for the quality of the market.}, title={Indywidualizacja niepewności w społeczeństwie cyfrowym: czy przyszłość pracy stała się teraźniejszością? = Individualisation of uncertainty in the digital society: has the future of work become the present?}, type={artykuł}, keywords={freelancer, autonomia, elastyczność, Solidarność, odpowiedzialność, autonomy, ?exibility, solidarity, responsibility}, }