@misc{Kohout-Diaz_Magdalena_Inclusive, author={Kohout-Diaz, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={eng}, abstract={What does the notion of inclusive teacher?s identity imply? If he is destined to become an interpreter of diversity, he is called to subjectively assume the singularity of his analysis, appropriate to the consideration of the unforeseen and the variety of the speci?c courses. The subjective identity of the teacher does not become confused with the typical hypertrophied "ego" of our contemporary digital age, nor with a communitarian "we" that tends to swallow the social link to a con?ictual "us or them", nor with a scientistic "it" that excludes the subject.}, abstract={Answering the question of the identity of the inclusive teacher can therefore be di?cult and constitutes a possible analysis of what is emerging today as a crisis for the teaching professions, constrained by new logics of performance. From our longitudinal ethnographic surveys and document studies, we will compare the precise coordinates of these tensions in France and in the Czech Republic: in these two countries, there seems to be a vast movement of de-expertise that inclusive education implies and gives rise in return not only to recurrent major identity tensions but also to a certain confusion in the education of pupils.}, title={Inclusive teacher: professional practices based on the interpretation of diversity, utopia or realities = Nauczyciel inkluzywny: praktyka zawodowa oparta na interpretacji różnorodności, utopii czy realiów?}, type={artykuł}, keywords={teachers, professionalism, inclusive education, diversity, nauczyciele, profesjonalizm, edukacja włączająca, różnorodność}, }